Hello there!!! Here is another post of All About Animals. I think talking about marine animals is a fun topic. Ok, there are 7 stops to reach your destination.

Our first topic is ( drum roll, please ) Lion’s mane jellyfish, these Jelly fishes are amazing ( TRUST ME!!!)
First fact: These Jelly fishes sting, their sting hurts just like if a Lion bites you. ( If you ever get stung, don’t panic )
Second fact: These Jelly fishes are preyed upon by Sea turtles ( I can’t even believe that they are eaten by Sea turtles, the most harmless creatures in the ocean )
Third fact: The Jellyfishes live only 12 months.

Our second stop is Leeches. Leeches drink blood and they look like Worms. I only have one word as a comment for those common facts, BORING!!! But here is what I got by reading books about Leeches.
First fact: Leeches have 32 brains
( Amazing!!! So, amazing that I could burst )
Second fact: They have 300 teeth.
Third fact: Leeches breathe through skin.

Our third stop is Angel fish.
First fact: Predators of these wonderful creatures are large fishes, Sharks and Barracudas
( I’ve always hated barracudas )
Second fact: Angelfish are omnivores.
Third fact: Angel fishes can recognize their owners for months and years ( Cool right???!!!???)

Our fourth stop is kind of not my favorite, I am talking about Barracudas.
First fact: Great Barracudas can swim at speeds up to 36 mph (58 kph)
Second fact: Great Barracudas’ upper sides can have up to 23 dark bars.
Third fact: Great Barracudas can grow to more than 5 feet long and weigh more than 100 pounds.

Our fifth stop is all about SHARKS!!!
First fact: Sharks do not have bones.
Second fact: Scientists age Sharks by counting the rings on their vertebrae.
Third fact: Shark skin feels similar to sandpaper.

And this is our sixth stop, I think y’all will like it, the Blue whale.
First fact: They can weigh as much as 30 Elephants.
Second fact: They have gigantic tongues.
Third fact: These big animals have a big heart
( awww…)

Our last one, it is amazing, it is a Fin whale. It might sound boring but, these animals are so cool, your tiny minds could explode.
First fact: Fin whales can live for 80 to 90 years.
Second fact: Fin whales have accordion-like throats that help them gulp up to 4,000 pounds (1.8 metric tons) of food a day.
Third fact: Fin whales are the fastest of all great whales capable of swimming up to 23 miles per hour (37 kmph).

That one was our last one, let’s review what we’ve learned. We learned about:
Lion’s mane jellyfish –
- First fact: These jelly fishes sting, their sting hurts just like if a lion bites you.
- Second fact: These jelly fishes are preyed upon by sea turtles.
- Third fact: The jellyfishes live only 12 months.
Leeches –
- First fact: Leeches have 32 brains
- Second fact: They have 300 teeth.
- Third fact: Leeches breathe through skin.
Angel fishes –
- First fact: Predators of these wonderful creatures are large fishes, sharks and barracudas.
- Second fact: Angelfish are omnivores.
- Third fact: Angel fishes can recognize their owners for months and years.
Barracudas –
- First fact: Great barracudas can swim at speeds up to 36 mph (58 kph)
- Second fact: Great barracudas’ upper sides can have up to 23 dark bars.
- Third fact: Great barracudas can grow to more than 5 feet long and weigh more than 100 pounds.
Sharks –
- First fact: Sharks do not have bones.
- Second fact: Scientists age sharks by counting the rings on their vertebrae.
- Third fact: Shark skin feels similar to sandpaper.
Blue whales –
- First fact: They can weigh as much as 30 Elephants.
- Second fact: They have gigantic tongues.
- Third fact: These big animals have a big heart.
Fin whales –
- First fact: Fin whales can live for 80 to 90 years.
- Second fact: Fin whales have accordion-like throats that help them gulp up to 4,000 pounds (1.8 metric tons) of food a day.
- Third fact: Fin whales are the fastest of all great whales capable of swimming up to 23 miles per hour (37 kmph).
Ok, check you later. I kind of need to write another essay and I have full hands right now.
Before I sign off , check out my other post of: https://twinsparkle.com/All-About-Animals-Series-1/ And don’t forget to check out our YouTube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMH6D1L7nNjDeWuIFKgGcOA