Wild animals are… well wild!!! They might eat meat which are called Carnivores ( What if I meet a lion, will it eat me???) and they might eat plants which are called herbivores ( I like that one!!!). They might eat flesh and plants, which are called omnivores ( On my first opinion about omnivores, I like it because it eats plants, and on my second one I think it’s dangerous, because of course it eats meat!!!) In the end I choose that I never ever want to meet an omnivore. ( It eats people.).

Our first one is a Lion, a Lion eats meat, they live in the wild. These are the most basic facts people know about Lions. But when we dig a little deeper we might find more about Lions than ever. These are the 3 facts that I got when I started reading about Lions ( amazing huh???)
First fact: Males’ mane tells a magnificent story.
Second fact: They hunt during storms.
Third fact: They start off spotty.
These are the facts that I got when I started digging a little bit deeper. These Lions’ facts might be useful and might even inspire you to search more about Lions. But I got a lot more coming up!!!

Our next stop is all about Leopards, fun eh? Let’s see, Leopards run fast and they have spots. Six letters, Boring!!! But when you dig a little bit more deeper, you’ll find the amazing treasure, here’s what I got!!!
First fact: The lifespan of a Leopard is between 12 and 17 years in the wild, and up to 23 years in captivity.
Second fact: Leopards are mostly nocturnal, hunting prey at night.
Third fact: The name “Leopard” comes from the Greek word Leopardus, which is a combination of Lion and Panther. This is how you dig a little deeper!!! Don’t close the tab yet, you have 5 stops to go to your destination.

Our next stop is, Tigers. We are going to DIG A LITTLE DEEPER!!! To get amazing facts about Tigers.
First fact : Unlike most other cats, Tigers are great swimmers and actually like the water.
Second fact: Tigers are stalk and ambush hunters; they lie in wait slowly creeping towards their prey until they are close enough to pounce.
Third fact: Tigers communicate using scent markings, visual signals and lots of sounds like roars, growls, snarls, grunts, moans, mews and hisses.

Our next one, probably very few people, might have guessed that it’s a Dolphin. If you are one of the people I wrote about, then you are right. Our next stop is… ( drum roll please ) Dolphin, Dolphin is my favorite marine animal.
First fact: Dolphins can be found all over the world and in different environments.
Second fact: They like to blow bubbles.
Third fact: They’re intelligent, like us.
These animals are really really amazing and wouldn’t do anything to hurt us. Sometimes people teach them Math. People were shocked once they found that Dolphins can do Math, better than they thought.

Our next one is a Sea turtle.
First fact: They think Jellyfish are delicious.
Second fact: They live about 100 years.
Third fact: They can hold their breath for five hours underwater. (SO AMAZING!!!)

Our second to the last one is Rabbits, they are cute, they are awesome and they are cuddly.
First fact: A baby Rabbit is called a kit, a female is called a doe and a male is called a buck.
Second fact: Rabbits perform an athletic leap, known as a ‘binky’, when they’re happy — performing twists and kicks in mid air!
Third fact: A Rabbit’s teeth never stop growing! ( Guess how long it will be, when the Rabbit lives to 100 years.)

Our next and our last one is… Butterflies or else known as Mariposas.
First fact – Butterflies use their feet to taste.
Second fact – Butterflies only live for a few weeks.
Third fact – The most common butterfly in the US is the Cabbage White.

This was our last one, and we are done for today!!! Let’s review the facts we’ve learned.
Lions –
First fact: Males’ mane tells a magnificent story.
Second fact: They hunt during storms.
Third fact: They start off spotty.
Leopards –
First fact: The lifespan of a Leopard is between 12 and 17 years in the wild, and up to 23 years in captivity.
Second fact: Leopards are mostly nocturnal, hunting prey at night.
Third fact: The name “Leopard” comes from the Greek word Leopardus, which is a combination of Lion and Panther.
Tigers –
First fact : Unlike most other cats, Tigers are great swimmers and actually like the water.
Second fact: Tigers are stalk and ambush hunters; they lie in wait slowly creeping towards their prey until they are close enough to pounce.
Third fact: Tigers communicate using scent markings, visual signals and lots of sounds like roars, growls, snarls, grunts, moans, mews and hisses.
Dolphins –
First fact: Dolphins can be found all over the world and in different environments.
Second fact: They like to blow bubbles.
Third fact: They’re intelligent, like us.
Sea turtle –
First fact: They think Jellyfish are delicious.
Second fact: They live about 100 years.
Third fact: They can hold their breath for five hours underwater.
Rabbits –
First fact: A baby Rabbit is called a kit, a female is called a doe and a male is called a buck.
Second fact: Rabbits perform an athletic leap, known as a ‘binky’, when they’re happy — performing twists and kicks in mid air!
Third fact: A Rabbit’s teeth never stop growing!
Butterflies –
First fact – Butterflies use their feet to taste.
Second fact – Butterflies only live for a few weeks.
Third fact – The most common butterfly in the US is the Cabbage White.
See you on the next series of All about Animals
Yours truly,
Srinika Saravanan

Don’t forget to check out my other post on animals : https://twinsparkle.com/all-about-animals-series-2/ Don’t forget to check out our YouTube channel either : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMH6D1L7nNjDeWuIFKgGcOA