A bit about the author…
This is the book review on the book “The chocolate sabotage” by Elisabetta Dami. Elisabetta Dami is an Italian author. She loves travelling around the world and is the co-owner of the company that produces the series and the creator of both the books series of Geronimo Stilton and the Thea Sisters.
The book review. Another adventure of the Thea Sisters!
This was an interesting and exciting mystery book from Thea Stilton. This book kept me at the edge of my chair at all times. Even though it had a logical solution, it wasn’t revealed until the end. And the surprising thing is that I couldn’t figure it out until the middle of the book.
This story is a tasty mystery as it starts off with an exciting adventure when old friends and new come together. Seriously, this book is about the mystery of a chocolate company owned by Paulina’s old friend Antonio de Moreno. The Thea sisters come together in Ecuador (eh-kwa-dhor)and find out the mystery of the sabotage that happens in Cocoa Loca, the chocolate factory.

If you’re already excited about the book, then don’t worry ‘cause it gets better and better. Paulina’s friend Antonio and his cousin run for the chocolate cup, against their rival enemy, Choco Max. Suddenly, their chocolate factory malfunctions and all their creations get sabotaged.
In order to figure out the mystery and stop the sabotage, the cousins must go back to their ex-friend to help them. This book isn’t my favorite, but it really resembles the excitement of a good (or should I say great) book and good friends. The bond between the Thea sisters’ unbreakable team helps them succeed in the end towards saving Cocoa Loca and winning the chocolate cup. This book includes a lot of slides and bumps towards a broken friendship and jealousy.
In the beginning, the book starts with two old friends visiting each other and catching up on their lives. Towards the middle, there is an introduction of another character and her backstory. In the middle, many obstacles get in the way of the Moreno Brothers’ success. Towards the end, the girls and the Moreno cousins work out a master plan and work to solve the mystery. Two old friends also talk over their misunderstanding and start working together. Toward the end, the bad guys are caught and the company achieves success.
In my opinion, the book had everything I expected. Mystery, friendship, something different from the other books in the series and a happy ending. Even though it wasn’t as special as the other books in the series, its plot was different. The mystery book also included some good images and information about Ecuador and all the settings present in the story. The characters solved the mystery like all the readers would have solved it too, so it made it special. The new characters also had interesting backstories, perspectives and traits.
What I liked about the book is that it really caused the curiosity of the mystery of who the sabotage is and why they did it.

By reading the book I really understood the process of making chocolate and how true friends always come together in the end and that a sweet friendship lasts to the end even if the friends have to stay separated (I also learned that the collection of rugs, jewelry and handicraft in Ecuador’s famous market town, Otavalo are amazing and cool). The pictures in the book are so detailed and beautiful as they show some of the most important information some people can miss!
But my favorite part of the book is when the Thea sisters’ plan comes together and they make Alvarez (owner of Choco Max) confess that he sabotaged Cocoa Loca and was trying to beat the Moreno cousins to the chocolate cup.
I hope I didn’t ruin the excitement of the book!!! I might just read the book again because this chocolate-filled mystery is super amazing and is never going to make me bored. I can’t believe they won the chocolate cup. Oops! I kind of ruined half of the book. I also hope you read this fictional mystery book right after you finish reading this book review! Don’t miss on book reviews on other amazing books and series!
See You Later! BYE 🙂 Want to read more? Then check out our new blog posts @ https://twinsparkle.com/. Check out the Thea Stilton and the Chocolate Sabotage (#19) book on goodreads. https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/18693362. Here is a link to the book on amazon.com!