By Srinika 2/2/23
Table of Contents
I know we’ve wrote a New Year’s Resolution before, but this year, I am determined to follow all of them, this might be hard but we are going to give our best!!!
First of all, I want to say thanks to so many of you guys reading our blog!!!
Without further ado, let’s get started:
1. Try Exercising
I want to do something in the morning perhaps, try and run around a lap, there’s a lake near us, that has a walking trail, maybe I could jog there every single morning!! I know what everyone’s probably going to say!!! She can’t run, she’s not gonna do it or maybe how will she do that when she has school everyday???
And you are RIGHT!!! I can’t that’s why I want to do it every 2 weekends in the month.

If I can’t do that, I am probably going to get some workout in P.E. every single morning at 8:20 am because “Yay” that’s my first class, though I am not a fan of it.
2. Try Eating Healthy for the New Year’s Resolution List
I know, I know, 2022 has been full of unhealthy things, that’s why I am going to get rid of all that fat and all that unhealthy proteins and junky stuff inside my body, by eating healthy foods, such as apples, oranges, grapefruits, sweet lemons, bananas, blueberries and strawberries and did I mention grapes???
Strawberries are my favorite fruits and I love mangoes, obviously!!! (I am from India and that’s the national fruit, so you can probably say that I eat a lot of mangoes)
Beware because these fruits tend to cause heat in your body, so this myth isn’t entirely false!!! Before we go to my next one make sure to check out our YouTube Channel and don’t forget to subscribe if you like this post:
3. Read A Lot More
People say they don’t like reading that much, and I guess I am one of them, I’ve never really found an exciting book. That could actually bring a lot of interest to me, you know the ones that get you to sit at the edge of the seat!!!
4. Try a New Meal
I know, my mom knows, I’ve been asking for a lot of days now, to try something new, for this year, since last year we’ve tried Korean Barbeque and believe it or not, I made the barbeque, I cooked with my dad as the assistant, I know I should’ve been the assistant and dad the main cook, but nope, here I was cooking like I owned the place, actually putting a lot of work into my food.

My dad was only there to touch the chicken and fry the chicken, my mom was afraid to let me near the boiling oil. What can I say she’s right, I can’t be near boiling oil, what if it splashes in my face, that’s dangerous isn’t it???
5. Meet New People
Since, we were in New Jersey, we only saw a lot of Indians, and no other ethnicities and my whole family wanted to, I guess we can cross this one out of the list, because we moved to Texas, and boy!!! This place has so many different people, from different parts of the world, France, Africa, India, China, South Korea, and even more.
6. Go To a New Continent
Okay, I can assure you this one is the last one on my New Year’s resolution. But this one is the big one, I want to go to a whole new continent, I’ve been to India, Middle East and America, but I want to try something new!!! I want to go to Europe or maybe Australia, and meet people of so many experiences. I heard that Australia is crawling with spiders.

I want to go and see for myself if that’s true, prove me if I wrong!!!
As I said, this one is the last but the big one!!! Anyways, see you guys later on my next post. This is Srinika and bye!!! If you dare, make a New Year’s resolution, and make sure it’s a big one!!!