Have you gone on an adventure of Realistic Fiction stories yet? They are my favorite. Do you know what they are then? What is realistic fiction, you ask? Read on to find out.
What is realistic fiction?
Realistic fiction is an imaginary story with a real-life situation and fake characters that understand something new or themselves.
It is usually a short story with a beginning, middle, and end. Realistic fiction can also be described as fiction that is part real/true.

Realistic fiction stories can be based on science fiction, horror, or even mystery. Now, seriously, what do realistic fiction stories include?
What does realistic fiction include?
Realistic fiction includes a setting, characters, a problem, and a solution. Realistic fiction also uses imaginary characters, but a real problem and solution that the character learns from.
It can also be based on a real-life problem a solution that can be applied in the real world. The problem can be something risky, intentional, an accident, or a fight between multiple characters.
The solution is usually found toward the end of the story. The main character doesn’t find the solution that easily since it will not be appealing to readers.
The story also has a strong ending where the character does the right thing or recovers after the solution. It includes a theme but these elements are supposed to be connected to attract the reader.
How does the author get an idea?
Authors get ideas from their amazing experiences. Everyone has an unusual experience at any time in their life. The author might have many experiences, but it must be unusual to attract the reader’s attention. For my idea, I could start with when I went to Niagara.
Specifically, about when we took a boat ride. The character doesn’t exactly have to be like me or anyone else so, we can use our imagination to create them. (But don’t create any monster creatures !!! They’re scary !!!)
How to write down your idea?
We need to organize our ideas before we can create a story. I usually use organizers or tables to write down my ideas. I will divide the table into four divisions because we have to write the setting, characters, problem, and solution.
Setting | It is a beautiful lake with a waterfall at the end. It is gorgeous. |
Characters | Mia and Emma are two best friends. Mia is brave and daring. Emma on the other hand doesn’t believe in herself even though she is stronger than others. |
Problem | The friends don’t notice the sign where it says do not enter, and their boat floats almost to the end of the river but their boat is not in good condition to turn back. |
Solution | Emma suddenly remembers that she has duct tape and hesitates to jump into the running river, but when Mia reminds her that they are going to die, she pushes herself to jump and fix the boat. She also turns the boat back against the roaring waves. |
I also like to use a story blurb. LIKE THIS :
Mia and Emma are two best friends who go on a boat ride in a river all alone. After they rent a boat, the two friends start riding through their journey.
Halfway through the ride, there is a sign that says “Please turn back, this leads to a waterfall.” But it goes unnoticed by the girls, and they end up almost at the waterfall. Emma hesitates but uses her duct tape to fix the hole in the boat that resists letting them turn back. Then she believes in herself and pushes the boat back.
Her bravery saves the day and from then on Emma is always about taking risks. You can visit our YouTube video on writing story blurbs. https://twinsparkle.com/
Beginning, Middle and the End?
At the beginning of the book or story, the author describes the characters and setting. For example, “Two girls, Mia and Emma walked down the busy lane with green trees and bushes leaning against the houses to their friend’s house where they found a brown dog.”
To paint a complete picture in the reader’s mind we must provide details.
Another example, “Two girls, Mia with black straight hair and Emma with brown hair walked down the busy lane with green trees, dandelions, and bushes leaning against the houses to their friend’s house when they met a spotted brown dog.“
Now isn’t that more convincing and easier to imagine?
If you’re writing a story blurb then you don’t need to give lots of details. As an author goes deeper into the story, he/she will change the setting and describe the background and make the reader feel as if they were in the story with all the characters.
In the middle, the reader needs to introduce the problem and show how the character is affected by the problem. For example, I could say, “Arthur suddenly fell off the horse without balance as it dashed through the stadium.
A couple of his friends came to help him up but he soon found out that he had broken his left wrist after arriving at the doctor’s clinic.
He couldn’t ride for the community show that was a week away and he felt awful that he couldn’t contribute anything to the team. “ This describes how the problem made Arthur feel unneeded in his team. It is an emotional conflict for Arthur.
Now, the end could be how he realized that cheering on his team is just as important as being the community show and helping them. In the end, the author could include some details about how he reflected on this afterward.
Can I write a story too?
Of course, just start with writing a blurb or using an organizer to plan your idea. Then, write whatever comes to your mind. I usually like to put all my ideas on the page, then review it and take off unneeded information and fix some mistakes. I always like re-reviewing as it gives me the confidence that the story is perfect. Also, tell us in the comments if you wrote a realistic fiction story and how it turned out!
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