5 Important Things I Learned In The Past Year!

This past year I have learned a lot of things, from being confident, to how to keep my grades up and I can confidently say that I might not put down everything here because I don’t remember all of it. But, both in terms of education and life, I’ve learned a lot of important lessons. This is a reflection, and I hope you can reflect on your past year too!

Tips ‘n Tricks I Learned in School

When I think about what I have learned education-wise in 7th grade, there is a lot that comes to my mind, like 8th grade math, and writing. I have improved in reading, playing the violin, and also in Spanish. I learned a lot of new stuff in TX History and Science too, but it would be too much to list them all out right now.

However, in terms of studying, I have also absorbed a lot of tips and tricks to memorize stuff, how to study for a test, and also what to study in my free time. I also understood eventually that preparing for stuff earlier is better than later in life, like the SAT, a test, or all your extracurriculars and involvements to list in your college application!

Time is Invaluable

Time doesn’t wait for you and when people say, Time is Gold, they are right. I realize now that I have wasted a lot of time just sitting there not knowing what to do instead of engaging myself in important activities that would help me later in life. I know a lot of you have too. Even every passing second we have is a chance to get better at something or just try something new. I now understand that I should use every moment I get in studying or doing one of my hobbies instead of sitting in front of a TV or a phone.

Because what good are they going to do for me in the future? I will always remember this lesson and you should too, because all of us have a lot of potential that this world needs. To me, my teenage years seem the most important because this is when I can experience stuff that I will not have time for in the future. And also a time to engage myself in studies and extracurriculars because I won’t have much time in high school when everything is harder.


Nobody is Going to Wait For You

I get that now you can’t wait around for a friend, they’re not going to wait, and neither should you. People want to get ahead in their life and they wouldn’t want to carry you around because you would just drag them down. So, it’s better to depend on no one to help you and help yourself. I learned that you can have friends that can help you, but not so much that you depend on them to do everything for you. Nobody else is and you better run if you want a good job and a good situation in the future. I wouldn’t want to regret not doing something later in life.

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Don’t say you’ll do something later, do it now!

Never delay something you can do right now. Doing stuff at the last minute is not fun. Once, I had this TX History project that I had a lot of time to do, but I kept procrastinating and I had to stay up late to finish it before the due date. It still looked good but I could’ve saved myself the tension, and stress that night. If I had done it sooner, I could’ve relaxed and watched TV or something. And procrastinating is not a good habit in the future when you’ll have a lot of stuff to get done in a short time, so it’s better to practice now.

Multi-Tasking is a Life-Saver

Multi-tasking saves you so much time when you need to get a lot of stuff done. Getting your chores done two at a time is better than one at a time. But, I’m not saying do really quickly and not properly because that’s just a waste of time for everyone. Multi-tasking though, will save you time to do something you want to do, or you need to do it right now but don’t have the time to, or just relax and lay down.

I hope you all learned something new and important this past year. And these are lessons I will always keep in mind because they are crucial in the future and this recession/covid period that everyone is using to get ahead of each other. Also, don’t forget to follow us on Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/cheershema/.

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